Ultranomad s.r.o., Mattioliho 3248/11, 10600 Praha 10 - Záběhlice, Czechia ✈ Mobile: +420 735 507 921 ✈ EU VAT: CZ27643395
Český • English

Ultranomad is a limited company in Prague, Czechia, established by Anton Konashenok in 2007, as well as Anton's professional nickname.

Ultranomad, both as the company and as the person, offers a broad spectrum of services in the domain of general aviation to private clients and organisations.

Ultranomad also offers multilingual specialized translation services to the manufacturing, engineering, research and healthcare sector.

Mobile number +420 735 507 921 is open for voice calls, SMS, MMS, Whatsapp, Signal and Telegram.
UK land line +44 20 3129 2814 is open for voice calls and voice messages.
E-mail for general matters: office@ultranomad.com
For official matters within Czechia, please contact Ultranomad s.r.o. (IČO 27643395) via secure mailbox service of the Czech Ministry of the Interior.